Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How To Act In The Office

Andrew said to his partner Wendy in the phone that he want Wendy to check payment on computer so he can confirm to customer, because Wendy still busy with another job, she don’t understand about what Andrew said to her. Andrew becomes mad because he always repeats his explanation to Wendy. In the same time, Andrew said words that hurt Wendy.

How many of you those ever feel the same with the story above? Or how many of you that ever feel hurt about your partner act or your partner said? Or maybe you are the one who make your partner feel bad. Not just about the story above, but can you tell me how do your act in the office? Is it good or bad? Did you use office facility for your personal business? Many of people still do that without realize they make the company and themselves become bad. Bad for the company because the office make spending that nothing to do with company business, and bad for the employee because it don't educate them.
No matter you work in big company or just in a small office in corner street, you must remember some office ethics rule. Many people still take easily with office ethic, it because they don't think the effect for their partner. They forget that relationship between partner is important for company too. It's not easy to understand about office ethics, but it's not that hard too. The basic is never put your attitude off in the office.
Try this steps when you in the office :

Be silent and stay away from trouble. If you don't know about the situation try to being neutral, or if you want take a safe position, just be silent. You know people said if silent is gold, right? Then do it if it make you comfort.

Next step is don't always being friendly. You want to give your best smile to customer? It's fine, customers deserve about it, but there is some customer don't realized if we try to give our best service. You don't have to droop your head if they behave not polite to you. The secret is how to make customer smile when they're angry.

Don't show off about your skill and feel that you are “the best in doing anything” person than you underestimate your partners. You must realized that nobody is perfect, in mean including you. You must know in the office you all are one team. In a team, you can't do it all by yourself.

Respect your partners. Yes, respect your partners because they're a human too, they have feeling. If you hurt that, you only make yourself in trouble

Avoid unnecessary discussion. Why? Because it's only wasting time, energy, and sometimes provoke enmity. And avoid gossip, it's no use either.

That's some suggest from me, because there is a lot of act about how we behave in office. As long as you know how to act in the office, you'll become a good sample for other company. (Bmr)

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