Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Job Desk VS Multi Task

Do you know your job description in your office? If you a marketing officer, you can make an offer about your product to your customer, right? But can you read an accounting table too? Or if you are a HRD staff, beside check about employee salary, can you make a copy sales report for the director? It's look simple, but not many people can do multi task.

I'll give an easy example, about my self. I work in a finance company, my status is a legal senior staff (it because I graduate from Law Faculty). Even if my job description is about legal thing, but 75% I do in the office is nothing to do with legal thing. In the office, I usually spent my time to work with computer, network, and electronic thing. It happen because the system department who usually take care about the computer and network is available in head office. But this is my advantages too, because I like computer and I want to build my skill in computer knowledge, I don't mind to do it either. Beside that sometimes I go to bank to deliver money, and it isn't write in my job description. Maybe all work with nothing to do with my job description looks simple, but you must see by your self the effect. Until now, I have been trust to work in system thing with all my partners (even my boss).

I don't give that example to boast my skill, but I want to show you if you can do multi task in your office, you can have benefit like I get. But it doesn't mean you forget your main job. Just for you know, my partners in one department often angry with me because sometimes I forget to do my main job. Yes, that is the negative side if you do multi task job. Of course, I don't recommend you follow my act, because you partner can be angry to you too.

So if I can review from my explanation above, have a multi task is an advantages for you. One of the advantages is everyone will trust you to do any kind of job in the company. And it have negative side too, if you forget about your main job. If you don't do your main job correctly, then maybe people in the office won't trust you anymore.

The conclusion is if you enjoy work with multi task, do it. Only with one condition : don't forget about your main job.

Copyright © Bimar

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Monday, May 21, 2007

The Time To Move On

How long you work in your office? 2 years? 10 years? Or more than 20 years? Have you ever think like this :

“ How long again I must survive in this place? “

“ Why I don't have spirit every time i do my work?”

Sometimes we should know when the time for us to move on and get another job to upgrade our skill or maybe our wealth. But sometime not just that, we must know about our condition and situation too. You don't want to be more suffer if you quit your job.

Much reason why people feel comfort and stay in their old company :

  1. They have good carrier

  2. They satisfied with their salary

  3. They job now is their dream job that they want it from a long time

  4. (Sometime) They stuck with debt so they rely on their salary

Much reason too why people want to “move on” from their old company :

  1. They usually bored with the job description in they old company

  2. They want to improve their skill in another company

  3. They want to raise their salary

  4. They want to open their own company

  5. (Sometime) they have conflict with their partner or their supervisor and cannot solve it

Before you decide to move on, you must considered some point :

  1. You must convince yourself this is the right step. If you can make sure yourself, how can you make sure your boss about this?

  2. You must have really good plan or have a backup plan. It mean you must know what are you to do next? If you have plan to work in another company, make sure the salary is better than your old company. Don't forget to make sure you already accept to work in your new company, if you still wait for another interview in your new company don't be rush out from your old company. If you plan to open your own company, (it's optional) make sure at least your company have already run minimal 3 month operational and have profit at least half of your salary in your old company. Why? Because if your company already run for at least for 3 month And your company's profit can get half of your salary in your old company , in average it can be say already stabilize for a new company. So think twice if you want to quit your job, but when you build your own company not stabilize yet.

  3. Make sure you have no problem or conflict with your old company. It'll make easy for you to find another job because you can ask your old company's recommendation. If you have a conflict with your partner, or your supervisor, or maybe with your company it self and it can't be solved, you can send an email to say you sorry about what happened and explain again the conflict with your version. It's important because even you won't meet them again, you must give appreciate to them when they were work with you

  4. Make sure you get higher salary if you move on with salary reason. You can check how much salary that you get when in interview. Beside the salary, you must calculate about allowance that you get, is it better than your old company or worse? It's an important point too, because sometime even you have a little salary but your allowance can covered anything you and your family need (especially for emergency need, like hospital cost), you can allocated your salary to your saving much more.

  5. And the most important thing : You must think twice before you walk out from your old company. Think about the advantages and the disadvantages, ask your family and friends opinion will be a helpful too. (Bmr)

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How To Act In The Office

Andrew said to his partner Wendy in the phone that he want Wendy to check payment on computer so he can confirm to customer, because Wendy still busy with another job, she don’t understand about what Andrew said to her. Andrew becomes mad because he always repeats his explanation to Wendy. In the same time, Andrew said words that hurt Wendy.

How many of you those ever feel the same with the story above? Or how many of you that ever feel hurt about your partner act or your partner said? Or maybe you are the one who make your partner feel bad. Not just about the story above, but can you tell me how do your act in the office? Is it good or bad? Did you use office facility for your personal business? Many of people still do that without realize they make the company and themselves become bad. Bad for the company because the office make spending that nothing to do with company business, and bad for the employee because it don't educate them.
No matter you work in big company or just in a small office in corner street, you must remember some office ethics rule. Many people still take easily with office ethic, it because they don't think the effect for their partner. They forget that relationship between partner is important for company too. It's not easy to understand about office ethics, but it's not that hard too. The basic is never put your attitude off in the office.
Try this steps when you in the office :

Be silent and stay away from trouble. If you don't know about the situation try to being neutral, or if you want take a safe position, just be silent. You know people said if silent is gold, right? Then do it if it make you comfort.

Next step is don't always being friendly. You want to give your best smile to customer? It's fine, customers deserve about it, but there is some customer don't realized if we try to give our best service. You don't have to droop your head if they behave not polite to you. The secret is how to make customer smile when they're angry.

Don't show off about your skill and feel that you are “the best in doing anything” person than you underestimate your partners. You must realized that nobody is perfect, in mean including you. You must know in the office you all are one team. In a team, you can't do it all by yourself.

Respect your partners. Yes, respect your partners because they're a human too, they have feeling. If you hurt that, you only make yourself in trouble

Avoid unnecessary discussion. Why? Because it's only wasting time, energy, and sometimes provoke enmity. And avoid gossip, it's no use either.

That's some suggest from me, because there is a lot of act about how we behave in office. As long as you know how to act in the office, you'll become a good sample for other company. (Bmr)

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

You Can Do It Better !!

Are you a student? Or maybe a employee? Do you ever feel like this:

- “ Oh God, I’m boring study all the time “

- “ I feel tired with my job “

- “ No no no, I want do something else “

- Etc

Boring is natural if you always do the same job all the time. For example, you wake up 5 o'clock in the morning, you must arrive in your office at 8 o'clock. Then you must check all files on your desk, and you must do this until 5 PM. After that do you go home? Oh not yet, because sometime you should take overtime until 8-9 PM to finish your job. Right at 9 PM you drive you car / motorcycle to your home, you arrive at your home about 10 PM and than take a shower, watch TV (maybe), get a snack, and finally you go to your bed at 11 PM, and after that you repeat again the activity above. You do it in five or six day a week.

Now I'll give two tips to kill that feel. First what you must do is take a breath. Yup, take a breath. Go to some quite place, make yourself feel comfortable, take a deep breath, hold in your breast for 3 second, and let it out. Do this in 4-5 times. It'll make you more peacefully. The second tips is take a break. You won't produce anything if your mind and body are tired. Some people assume if they feel tired, they just go to bed and then sleep, but actually not that simple. Why? Because they only give their body a chance to rest, but not their mind. So..? why don't you try like this? Assume that all your problem in your mind you keep in a box for a while, and than you tie that box and lock the box. After that you go to sleep with no load in your mind. When you wake up, you unlock the box, untie it, and than you take one by one from all your problem to finish it with no pressure and with new power. (Bmr)

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Let me say hello to you first, Welcome to Lessontosuccess . My purpose made this blog is to give you motivation to become better in your life, in doing your job, and to get what you dream, and the other thing that make you more success.
I made my article based on my experience, from story I heard, from my friends experience, from the book I read (of course I'll write from wghich book I get it, I don't want to brake the law) so you can learn from my mistakes. But you must remember this, you don't have agree about what I write, because it's a individual opinion and you can have yours too.
It doesn't mean just only because I wrote this, I more smarter than you. Well, until this time, I still learning to get a better life and improve my skill (including my writing skill). I hope I can learn something from you too.
PS : Please forgive me if my English language isn't that good. I realize it need process. I promise I'll improve my English language skill. tx

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